About Bowsage Therapy
Bowen Therapy Basic Training.

I teach therapists like you, how to save your body and double your income with Bowen Therapy!
NCBTMB #1189 - CE BROKER #20-634030

Lally Massage & Bowsage Therapy
Michele Lally, NCBTMB,
Therapeutic massage therapist in the Lake Norman area since 2008
Michelle is available by appointment only. Please call 704-929-9757
Services include:
Thai Massage
Deep tissue
Chakra Balancing with EO's
Licensed Massage Therapy Instructor
Michelle is also licensed by NCBMTB to teach Bowsage Therapy to licensed massage therapists or individuals wanting to use this technique to assist their families with maintaining good health.
For more information about the Bowsage Therapy 16 CE course or Bowen Therapy Technique please read more here >
For videos about this wonderful healing tool you can view them here >

Massage is manually works soft body tissues (muscle, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments) to your health and well-being. We offer a variety of modalities or techniques that are unique to your health and wellness needs based on a wellness assessment. This may include Nurturing the Mother Pregnancy Massage, Thai, Swedish, Reflexology, Chakra balancing, Energy work.
Pricing unless otherwise noted:
90 min - $105 | 60 min - $75
30 min - $40
Senior Massage 65+ - $45
In-home outcalls - Call for quote based on location
Maternity Massage - $75
ask about package rates
Bowen/Body reset
WATCH this 20 Min Video
for a powerful presentation
by Bowen College Dr. Manon Bolliger
Bowen is gentle but effective, it is not surprising to see pain or health issues resolved within two or three sessions. The immediate response is usually the quick onset of deep relaxation. Most say they feel a tingling or warm sensation often feeling as though the therapist was still touching them.
Many find that Bowen assists with musculature problems such as shoulder, back and neck pain, especially after an immediate injury or fall. However, this technique can assist with health related issues such as fibromyalgia, asthma, migraines, irritable bowel, and other health problems.
Bowen Therapy / Body Reset $40
30-45 minute session
We recommend a series of 3 Bowen/body reset sessions
3 - 5 days apart to start with.
Bowsage Therapy $75
60 minute session
Combines massage with the Bowen treatment.

Body Wraps 90 min
Detox Wrap $105
cupping with essential oils to detox with infrared blanket
Exfoliate Wrap $105
using organic skin care to exfoliate and rejuvenate your outer layer of beauty.
We use Fabulous Frannie's Aromatherapy Essential Oils. We would be happy to create a blend for your unique health, wellness, emotional or spiritual needs. Call or email for a consult.
Ionic Foot Bath $40
Ear Candling $40

In-person Live Workshop
Basic Bowen full body routine
For Licensed Massage Therapists
Learn Bowen for 16 CEs
Find out how rewarding it is to add Bowen Therapy to your massage practice. Bowen is a move that manipulates the fascia, muscles and tendons over the meridian systems to send a signal to the brain to release, reset and relax the nervous systems, when combined with any massage technique, makes any session, the perfect Bowsage Experience.
Find out how easy it is to add Bowen Therapy Certification to your massage therapy or spa practice. Even if you are not a licensed massage therapist you can learn how Bowen Therapy can help your family stay well and healthy.
Click here for more information
$350 for 16 CEs
Ask about affordable onsite lodging
Schedule a class in your area, minimum 6 participants