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Why I teach Bowen Therapy
1. I have received great results with Bowen Therapy
2. I have seen my clients get great results with Bowen Therapy
3. My students are getting great results with their clients, after Bowen Therapy. 
4. I found a way to make a impact on as many people as possible, by teaching Bowen Therapy
5. I believe in the technique and that every massage therapist, should know how to do Bowen Therapy. 
I client told me about Bowen therapy in 2012, she told me she had fallen and cracked her tail bone and that she was in a lot of pain for several weeks, her friends told her about the Bowen method and took her to Dr. Mitchell Mosher who did a session on her, after one session she was remarkably better and after a few sessions completely healed. I of course was impressed and wanted to know more. Fortunately for me, Dr Mitchell was teaching the method. So I took his course and I learned and I practiced, and I got amazing results, time after time, month after month. After a few months I was surprised at how many other therapists had never heard of the Bowen Technique. So it was not a hard decision to start teaching it along side Dr. Mosher. Since then I have taught hundreds of therapists. Today when I hear how many people are getting the same results I did with thier bowen preactice and how may people they are helping. Well it drives me to teach more people and help more people. 

Reviews: Clients Share Their Bowen Experience

Reviews: Clients Share Their Bowen Experience


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